Normal Skin
How to tell: Normal skin just feels effortlessly flawless. You don't have frequent breakouts, your skin is not too oily or too dry. Your skin will look or feel great no matter what season it is. Firm, minimal lines, and free from many wrinkles.
Skincare Tips: If you have normal skin, you won't experience oiliness, dryness or sensitivity giving you a wide range of products to use. Have fun experimenting and keeping up a regular routine.
Dry Skin
How to tell: Dry skin is usually more than just a winter thing, but it is possible that all skin types may feel dry skin due to the winter - always stock up on extra moisturizer! One common thing that is usually not talked about is that your skin may feel, stretched. If you see lots of fine lines or patchiness this is you.
Skincare Tips: Dryness may be caused by a skin condition. Always consult with your doctor or dermatologist before starting any new products. Seal in moisture by always using a moisturizing or natural oils to keep your skin smooth and glowing, especially after washing. Stay hydrated by drinking lot's of water and if your skin feels dehydrated, go for water based products.
Oily Skin
How to tell: Oily skin is everybody's worst enemy. Your skin may look greasy, and your makeup may always smear. You will see enlarged pores, and lot's of them. You are no stranger to blotting sheets and you're always glowing. Maybe dry skin is jealous, who knows?
Skincare Tips: Avoid comedogenic ingredients, alcohols and oil based products. You still need to moisturize your skin so make sure to use the right based products. Don't forget your best friend, clay face masks.
Combination Skin
How to tell: That T-zone though. Your skin will feel oily in some parts and dry in others. You may feel like you need some balance.
Skincare Tips: Like we said, balance is your best friend. Look for products that are for evening, toning and balancing your skin. Stay away from Alcohol based products and always stay hydrated.
Sensitive Skin
How to tell: Sensitive skin can be caused from internal of external factors - seasonal, skin conditions, genetics - always be sure to check with your doctor or dermatologist before starting any new products. Skin that turns red easily, frequent rashes, burning when using products, peeling of skin and irritation are all signs of sensitive skin.
Skincare Tips: BE VERY CAREFUL! You can permanently damage your skin by using the wrong products. Always, always, always do patch tests. Avoid fragrances and irritants and try to go for natural ingredients that you are familiar with. Calming, healing and anti-inflammatory are your best friend. Stay hydrated.
Mature Skin
How to tell: While age is usually a factor, it is NOT the only factor in mature skin. Not all skin ages at the same pace and it is never too early to start an anti-aging skincare routine. You may notice sagging, wrinkles, fine lines, dullness and dark spots.
Skincare Tips: Always stay hydrated and fuel your body with fruits and vegetables. (Seriously this is for all skin types) Begin or continue an anti-aging routine to combat these aggressors and use restorative products that help promote skin-cell regeneration.
What causes breakouts?
Well...well...well...Why am I breaking out?! Is probably every persons dreaded sentence. In 2020, it is more than inevitable. From maskne to unhealthy eating habits, this is a year for flare-ups. The sad truth is... even if you are doing EVERYTHING and the tip-top skincare routine, you still may not be addressing what is actually causing you to breakout!
#1 Not Enough Water
Water is the ultimate healer from the earth. You can reduce breakouts by drinking more water and ridding your body of toxins.
#2 Sleeping on a Dirty Pillowcase
Change your pillowcases regularly, especially if you don't wash your face before you go to sleep. Makeup, dirt and grime from your face and hair will cling to your pillowcase and then seep right back onto your face while you're asleep.
Tip: Silk pillowcases for the win. 😴
#3 Abrasive Face Scrub
You should include a scrub in your weekly skin-care routine, but scrubbing your face can do more damage then good if not done correctly. When scrubbing your dead skin, only exfoliate your face with LIGHT exfoliants and 1-2x a week. Over exfoliating can damage the outer layer of your skin and cause frequent breakouts.
#4 Wrong Ingredients
Make sure to use products tailored to your skin type. We have a blog on that.
#5 You're Eating the Wrong Foods
I mean you know what they say, you are what you eat. Your skin absorbs everything you put on it from the outside, and everything you eat from the inside. High sugar intake and spicy foods can throw off your ph balance, oil production and trigger breakouts.
#6 Smoking
Smoking decreases oxygen in your face, giving you dull, uneven skin. Scientists state, smoking breaks down collage leading to wrinkles and larger pores. Don't smoke for clearer skin and you'll live longer. Stay hydrated.
#7 You're Stressed Out
Stress-ne. Yes we made that up, but it works. Stress causes frequent breakouts due to overproduction of hormones. Listen to music, play a video game, bust out a candle and unwind.
#8 You're touching your Face too much
DON'T PICK YOUR PIMPLES. Nope, just don't do it. As tempting as it may seem, picking at your face leads to bigger, larger bumps and breakouts. Touching your face at all is not good as you bring bacteria to your face resulting in bumps, pimples, blackheads and spots.
#9 Maskne
Oh as if 2020 couldn't get worse. We have to wear these vicious masks (keep doing it, you're saving lives) but yes our skin does pay a small price. The mask keeps your sweat captured in one area resulting in breakouts. If you are experiencing Maskne, try incorporating a scrub into your weekly routine and make sure to wash or dispose of your mask after each use.
#10 Hormones
When all else fails, the inevitable hormones. Sometimes our bodies may just want to give us a breakout. Or it could be something more serious such as hormonal imbalance, either way stay on top of your body.